Saturday 10 December 2011

All the signs of desperation! But more publicity for us.....

They just don't get it! After the rather sad attempts of the anti-aacultwatch Twitterer - he's still Tweeting away like a good'un – last time we looked we'd been accused of homophobia, women abuse, charging for sponsorship, doing pills, etc etc - it's amazing we'd have any time to run the website with all that going on. Still, now the cats-out-of-the-bag, we'd like to 'fess up - to causing: the credit crunch, the MP expenses scandal, global warming, the success of John and Edward on the X-Factor, swine flu ….fill in the blanks ….. anyway we digress .... it would seem that a Google sponsored link has been set up advertising an anti-aacultwatch blog by “A lady member from Battersea”. The blog hit the ether yesterday with the opening shot in what we're quite sure will be a cogently argued counter-campaign to the aacultwatch site – NOT! If the first entry is anything to go by we've simply got ourselves a slightly longer version of the Twitterer. The banner declaims: “Who do you think you are?” Now we have to assume that the question is intended to be rhetorical rather than literal because if it were the latter then it is self-evident that we do, in fact, not only know who we think we are but simultaneously know who we are also; it is not even a matter of opinion but of direct experience (although it does imply some interesting epistemological questions – but we'll save that for another time – even now we can hear the huge sigh of relief heaving round the land!). Therefore it must be that the device is intended to be ironical – but surely not! One thing that can always be discerned within the character of your average cult member is that they've undergone 'wit bypass' surgery – but perhaps this is a clone mark II – an evolved hybrid version of the bog standard assembly line creation. Anyway we digress yet again …. the “lady member from Battersea” asserts the following:

I am a sober, grateful member of the amazing fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. I would like all AA's who surf the world wide web to know and understand that the majority of AA members here in the UK think aacultwatch is a farcical nonsense and injurious to AA.

Wow you can hear the clash of egos across the oceans... they are no more than self appointed internet police whose sobriety has clearly not advanced beyond the insanity of a failed step 2.

Let all sound AA members do as we are bidden and pray for our misguided friends and in particular that their ISP connection fails permanently..”

Well, all we can say is that we're mightily impressed by all this - only one day in operation and already she has gauged the pulse of the “majority of AA members”. Not only this but she's a mind reader as well – she knows what we “think” - this would be truly terrifying if it were not so awesome. Still at least AA has a spokesperson now – one who knows what the majority thinks – perhaps even before they do. Moreover she knows exactly what Step we're on (although she doesn't seem to understand what it refers to ie. alcoholic insanity). Anyway - we put our heads together and decided that we ALL, the entire aacultwatch team, want to be sponsored by this spiritual giant. And as for the “clash of egos across the oceans...” – we can hear that as well. Still it is quite heartening to learn that yet more people are being exhorted to pray for us – at this rate sainthood can only be a short step away, though we do think that bit about our “ISP connection failing permanently” might not be quite in accordance with the spirit of the programme – but then who are we to question such spiritual insight?

And now for the killer blow – the cartoon depicted on the blog. If anything sums up the cult's stance on sponsorship this production does it perfectly:

'Nuff said.


The Fellas

PS. No – we don't think we'll be wasting a lot of our time on this blog in the future

PPS  - Last time we looked at this production the blogger seems to have changed sides??