Sunday 11 December 2011

Tradition Ten

Now we know for a fact that our ill-wishers - the cult - and their accessories - will misinterpret any tradition, guideline, concept and indeed phrase if it will serve their purposes. So this section is not being written for them - it is being put forward to those of you who might have a genuine interest in the truth - this quality is necessarily all but totally absent amongst cult members.

Tradition 10 (BB, p. 564 - Short Form)

"Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy."

Tradition 10 (BB, p. 567 - Long Form)

"No AA group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate AA, express any opinion on outside controversial issues - particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters they can express no views whatever."

The above is, with boring repetition, cited as an argument against causing any form of controversy.

As authors of this site we have not expressed any views within it, either singly or collectively, on any "outside controversial issues" - none on politics, alcohol reform, or religion (sectarian or otherwise). We have not espoused any political views, sectarian opinions or promoted anything other than adherence to the recovery programme of AA as outlined in the Big Book and the traditions of AA as exhibited in the same text. Even if we had, we are fully within our rights to do so if we ensure that we make clear the following: we are not, nor have we ever claimed to be AA, to represent AA, to speak for AA or act in any kind of formal capacity within AA. We are not an AA group and it is therefore impossible for us to oppose any one in that role or to express any views in that function.

However we are citizens who happen to be members of AA who do not like one bit what is going on in our Fellowship (this is not the "possessive" use of the word "our" but the "participative"). The only controversy that we raise relates to "inside" issues directed at the conduct of a section of the Fellowship that is determined to pervert the letter and the spirit of our society.  In this respect we fully intend to continue to be extremely energetic in exposing their activities to the full light of day.

For our well wishers we assure you that we really do care about the future of the Fellowship - for our ill wishers - all we can say is - Get well soon!

The Fellas