Monday 12 December 2011

Transcription 4

[Email and extracts from North East London Integroup minutes - originals held on file - concerning controversial literature being issued at "Highbury Beginners"]

Email (edited to preserve anon)

Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 12:03 AM
Subject: Serious concerns about 2 meetings in the NELIG area.

Hello (anon)

I'm writing in my capacity of Secretary at NELIG with regards to serious concerns that have come to our attention.

We have been presented with written evidence that two meetings in our area, "Highbury Beginners" (N5, Friday 8pm) and "Tottenham Monday Night" (N17,8pm) have been producing and distributing literature which brings AA into disrepute.

Aside from infringing copyright law by printing excerpts from the Big Book out of context and without permission, the example we heard last night - on "How to do Step 4" - was an extraordinary document designed to coerce group members into writing a detailed litany of explicit sexual fantasy and deviation to 'share with their sponsors'. This document also included statements on family values, sexuality and birth control - all of which were highly judgmental, and completely in breach of the Traditions.

Obviously the Intergroup takes this very seriously indeed - it is totally unacceptable that these groups are distributing this material under the guise of AA literature - and we will not put up with this in the NELIG area.

We are approaching the individuals concerned with these two groups to make our position clear. The GSR's of these meetings - both of whom are Intergroup Officers - are to be asked to attend our meeting in November to explain themselves. If they chose not to attend - or attend, but are unable to give us satisfactory assurances - we will take the necessary measures to de-register them as AA meetings and remove their listings from the WTF.
In the meantime, I have been asked to contact you to report that NELIG voted unanimously last night to request that telephone service volunteers do not give out details of these two meetings until such time as this matter has been resolved.

Many thanks,

Jerry R

Extract taken from the North East London Intergroup Minutes 28/9/06
Complaint: Highbury Beginners Group
NELIG has received a complaint regarding the Highbury Beginners Group (Friday 8pm). The complaint was that the group was using non-AA approved literature, and the meeting heard extracts from a hand-out distributed by the group on the topic of Step 4. The instructions contained in this leaflet are not part of the AA programme and appeared be inflammatory in how it deals in matters of sexual conduct and morally judgemental in statements about birth control and marriage.

Following a discussion regarding Tradition 4 and the impact this material may have on AA’s reputation, it was suggested that the group be written to by NELIG stating the concerns of Intergroup and asking for representatives from the group to attend the next intergroup meeting scheduled for 30th November.

It was proposed that until this matter is resolved, NELIG requests that volunteers staffing the AA Helpline withhold the listing of Highbury Beginners.

The position will be reviewed at the 30th November meeting of NELIG.

Extract taken from the North East London Intergroup Minutes 30/11/06
Highbury Beginners Meeting
NELIG had received complaints about this Friday night meeting and non-approved literature being used by it.

Since starting to look into the complaint, the meeting has closed down. However, founder member – Derek - attended NELIG to answer the complaint. He said that the offending material (containing ‘Instructions’ on how to do Step 4, and containing references to sexual deviation - in contravention of the Traditions) had been placed on chairs at the meeting by an inexperienced Secretary and had only happened on one occasion.

It was pointed out by the Chair that this material had been traced to a unauthorised website which is using the AA name, however Derek said he was not aware of this.

As the meeting no longer exists no further action will be taken by NELIG. Derek was thanked for attending the meeting.

[Apparently not quite the whole truth – it seems that the Highbury group folded after the complaint to NELIG, kept its head down for a while and then resurfaced in Finsbury Park]